Tag Archives: Will Smith

Movie Review: Hancock

Last night I took my wife out on a date.  We began the evening going to Brew River.  The meal wasn’t as good as the Sunday Brunch I had a couple of weeks ago, but it wasn’t bad, either.  The cream of crab soup was the highlight of the meal for me, though my shrimp salad wrap wasn’t bad.  The Guinness was good- though they served it before it had settled- which is “ok” because that is the norm for American bar tenders, but being delivered a settled proper pint is always a good thing- especially when it is unexpected.

Before I talk about the movie I have to explain my scale.  I have different scales for different types of movies.  In the history of cinema action films have yet to breakthrough to Citizen Kane status.  That being said, I dumb the scale down for them.  For me an action film must have passable acting, good to amazing special effects, a storyline that is engaging while also moving forward and good dialog amongst the characters.

Hancock is a decent action film.  Will Smith, Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron  play their roles well, the story moves along and, in a bit of a surprise, the plot contains a decent twist.  The down side for me is toward the end of the movie Theron’s character suddenly explains a whole lot of the parameters of the character- a better written script would have found a way to incorporate those things and slowly reveal them throughout- instead we’re given an info dump at the end of the film as a bridge to the next scene.  It’s not terrible, but it is inartful and could have been presented better.

It’s a good enough movie that I recommend you go see it.




Filed under film, Movie Review

Morgan Spurlock Is Much More Than “Supersize Me”

I’ve been watching the first season of his series called “30 Days”, which appears on the FX channel.  So far my favorite show has been on minimum wage.  Since I’ve lifted myself out of poverty there have only been two times that video has really struck me as showing an authentic portrait of what I lived.  The first was “The Pursuit of Happyness” with Will Smith.  Being a single parent for over eight years that movie had moments that took my breath away it was so similar to what I experienced, but that was a Hollywood portrait (even if it was based on the real life story of Chris Gardner).   What Spurlock delivers in the first installment of the “30 Days” series is a fairly accurate account of trying to juggle money around to keep the rent, heat and electric bills while still being able to eat and enjoy life.

Check it out.




Filed under film, Poverty